Tri-Cities Civil Protection Order Attorneys

Live without fear.

Protection offers peace of mind, and we can help you navigate the process to get it done efficiently and correctly. When you feel threatened or in danger, it’s time to take the steps to get an order in place. Yet we also know that in some situations, people have wrongfully used protection orders as a means of revenge or just to be vindictive. We have experience in those cases as well - our expertise spans:

  • Harassment
  • Domestic violence protection orders
  • Sexual Assault protection orders
A close-up of a person's hand filling out immigration paperwork, highlighting bureaucratic challenges.

What is a civil protection order?

A Civil Protection Order (CPO), also known as a restraining order, is a court-issued legal order designed to protect individuals who have experienced domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, or harassment. It sets boundaries and restrictions on the person who caused harm, aiming to prevent further contact or harm to the protected individual.

A CPO may include provisions such as no-contact orders, stay-away orders, child custody arrangements, firearms restrictions, and counseling requirements. Violations of a CPO can lead to serious legal consequences. If someone is in immediate danger or has experienced harm, seeking a CPO can provide legal protection and support.

Procedures and requirements for obtaining a CPO vary by jurisdiction. It's advisable to consult with a local attorney or contact the appropriate court or domestic violence organization for guidance.

Washington State Civil Protection Order Frequently Asked Questions

In Washington State, a Civil Protection Order (CPO) is available to individuals who have experienced domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, or harassment. To be eligible for a CPO, the person seeking the order (known as the petitioner) must meet certain criteria:

  1. Relationship: The petitioner must have a specific relationship with the respondent, who is the person against whom the CPO is sought. The eligible relationships include:
    • Current or former spouses
    • Individuals who have a child together
    • Individuals who are related by blood or marriage
    • Individuals who are currently residing together or have previously resided together
    • Individuals who are in a dating relationship or have been in a dating relationship
  2. Qualifying actions: The petitioner must show that they have been a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, or harassment committed by the respondent. These actions can include physical harm, threats of harm, unwanted contact, unwanted sexual conduct, or conduct that causes reasonable fear of harm.
  3. Age: There is no minimum age requirement for a petitioner to apply for a CPO. Both adults and minors can seek protection orders. Minors may need a parent or legal guardian to assist in the application process.
  4. Jurisdiction: The petitioner must file for a CPO in the appropriate court with jurisdiction. Generally, this is the superior court in the county where the petitioner resides or where the incidents occurred.

It's important to note that specific circumstances may vary, and the eligibility requirements mentioned above are general guidelines. If you believe you may qualify for a Civil Protection Order, it is recommended to consult with a qualified attorney or a local domestic violence organization. They can provide you with accurate information and assist you in the process of seeking a protection order in Washington State.

However, this aggressor must be:

  • Someone they are currently or have been previously married to
  • Someone they are related to
  • Someone they have lived with (dating or not)
  • Someone they share a child with
  • Someone they are dating
  • Someone they have had a sexual relationship with”

To file a Civil Protection Order (CPO) in Washington State, you can follow these general steps:

  1. Obtain the necessary forms: Contact your local courthouse or visit their website to obtain the required forms for filing a CPO. You can also find the forms online through the Washington Courts website.
  2. Fill out the forms: Carefully complete the necessary forms, providing accurate and detailed information about the incidents of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, or harassment that have occurred. Include specific dates, times, and descriptions of the events.
  3. Visit the courthouse: Bring the completed forms to the courthouse in the county where you reside or where the incidents occurred. If you are unsure which courthouse to visit, you can contact the court clerk's office for guidance.
  4. Submit the forms: Submit the completed forms to the court clerk's office. They will review the paperwork to ensure it is properly filled out and signed. The court clerk will provide you with a date and time for your hearing.
  5. Serve the papers: Once your CPO application is accepted, you will need to have the papers served on the respondent. The court clerk can provide you with information on how to properly serve the papers, which typically involves a process server or law enforcement delivering the documents to the respondent.
  6. Attend the hearing: On the scheduled date, attend the hearing at the designated court. Be prepared to present your case and provide any supporting evidence or witnesses, if applicable. The judge will review the evidence and listen to both sides before making a decision on whether to grant the CPO.
  7. Follow-up with the court: After the hearing, be sure to follow any instructions or orders given by the court. If the CPO is granted, familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions outlined in the order. If there are violations or changes needed, contact the court for further guidance.

Please note that the process may vary slightly depending on the specific court and jurisdiction. It is recommended to consult with a qualified attorney or contact your local courthouse for precise instructions and any additional requirements specific to your location. They can provide guidance and support throughout the process of filing a Civil Protection Order in Washington State.

In the context of civil protection orders (CPOs), also known as restraining orders or protection orders, there are several common types that aim to provide legal protection to individuals who have experienced domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, or harassment. The specific types of CPOs can vary by jurisdiction, but here are some common ones:

  1. Domestic Violence Protection Order: This type of CPO is specifically designed to protect individuals who have experienced domestic violence from a family or household member, such as a current or former spouse, intimate partner, or family member.
  2. Sexual Assault Protection Order: This CPO is issued to protect individuals who have been victims of sexual assault or sexual violence. It aims to prevent contact and establish boundaries between the victim and the offender.
  3. Stalking Protection Order: This type of CPO is granted to individuals who have been subjected to stalking, which involves repeated unwanted behaviors or actions that cause fear or harassment. It is designed to prohibit the stalker from contacting or approaching the victim.
  4. Harassment Protection Order: This CPO is issued to protect individuals who have been subjected to harassment, which includes unwanted behaviors, threats, or actions that cause distress or fear. It aims to establish boundaries and prevent further harassment.
  5. Elder Abuse Protection Order: Some jurisdictions have specific CPOs tailored to protect elderly individuals who have experienced abuse, neglect, or exploitation. These orders provide legal protection and assistance for vulnerable older adults.

It's important to note that the availability and specific types of CPOs can vary by jurisdiction, and the names of the orders may differ. The provisions, eligibility requirements, and procedures for obtaining a CPO can also vary. It is advisable to consult with a local attorney or contact your local courthouse or a domestic violence organization to understand the specific types of CPOs available in your jurisdiction and the requirements for obtaining them.

Here is a site that lists them in greater detail

Violating a Civil Protection Order (CPO), also known as a restraining order, is a serious offense that can lead to various legal consequences. The specific penalties for violating a CPO vary by jurisdiction and the circumstances of the violation. Here are some potential outcomes:

  1. Criminal charges: Violating a CPO can result in criminal charges. The severity of the charges may depend on factors such as the nature of the violation, prior offenses, and the jurisdiction's laws. In some cases, violating a CPO may be considered a misdemeanor offense, while in others, it can be classified as a felony.
  2. Arrest and imprisonment: If a person is found to have violated a CPO, law enforcement can arrest them and take them into custody. Depending on the severity of the violation and the jurisdiction's laws, the person may face imprisonment. The length of imprisonment can vary, ranging from a few days to months or even years for more severe offenses.
  3. Fines and penalties: Violators may face monetary penalties and fines as part of the legal consequences for violating a CPO. The amount of the fines can vary depending on the jurisdiction and the specific circumstances of the case.
  4. Extension or modification of the CPO: In some cases, if a CPO is violated, the court may extend or modify the existing order to provide additional protection to the victim. This can involve strengthening the restrictions or adding new provisions to ensure the safety of the protected individual.
  5. Other consequences: Violating a CPO can have collateral consequences, such as negative impacts on child custody proceedings, employment opportunities, or future legal proceedings. It can also affect the violator's reputation and standing in the community.

It is crucial to take CPOs seriously and adhere to the provisions outlined in the order. If someone believes a CPO has been violated, they should promptly contact law enforcement and report the violation. It's advisable to consult with a local attorney or seek legal advice to understand the specific consequences for violating a CPO in their jurisdiction and to explore the available legal remedies.

The duration of a Civil Protection Order (CPO), also known as a restraining order, can vary depending on the jurisdiction and the specific circumstances of the case. In many jurisdictions, the initial CPO is typically granted for a temporary period, and a hearing is scheduled to determine whether to extend or modify the order.
After the initial temporary order, the court may decide to issue a longer-term order that can last for months or even years. The duration of the order is typically determined based on factors such as the nature of the threat or harm, the level of danger, and the needs of the protected individual.
It's important to note that CPOs are not permanent and may have an expiration date. In some cases, a CPO may automatically expire after a certain period unless renewed by the court. The protected individual may need to request an extension before the expiration date if continued protection is required.
To determine the specific duration of a CPO in your jurisdiction, it is advisable to consult with a local attorney or contact the court where the order was issued. They can provide accurate information on the duration of CPOs and any requirements or procedures for seeking extensions if needed.

If you believe that someone has wrongfully obtained a Civil Protection Order (CPO) against you, it is essential to take appropriate steps to protect your rights and address the situation. Here are some actions you may consider taking:

  1. Review the CPO: Carefully read the contents of the CPO to understand the allegations and the specific provisions outlined against you. Take note of any deadlines or requirements mentioned in the order.
  2. Consult with an attorney: It is strongly advised to seek legal counsel from an experienced attorney who specializes in family law or domestic violence issues. They can guide you through the process and provide you with appropriate advice based on the laws and procedures in your jurisdiction.
  3. Gather evidence: Collect any evidence or documentation that can support your claim of the wrongful CPO. This may include text messages, emails, witnesses, or other relevant materials that can help demonstrate that the allegations against you are false or without merit.
  4. Document your interactions: Keep a detailed record of any interactions or incidents related to the person who obtained the CPO against you. This can include dates, times, locations, and descriptions of events that may help you counter the allegations.
  5. Follow legal procedures: Depending on your jurisdiction, there may be specific legal procedures or requirements for contesting a CPO. An attorney can assist you in understanding and following these procedures, such as filing a motion to modify or vacate the CPO or requesting a hearing to present your case.
  6. Attend the hearing: If there is a hearing scheduled to address the CPO, it is crucial to attend and present your case. An attorney can help you prepare and present evidence or witnesses that support your position.
  7. Adhere to the order: Until the CPO is modified or dismissed by the court, it is important to strictly adhere to the provisions of the order to avoid any additional legal complications.
  8. Maintain records: Keep copies of all relevant documents, including the CPO, any court filings, communication with your attorney, and any evidence supporting your position.

It is important to remember that navigating the legal process can be complex, and the steps to challenge a CPO can vary by jurisdiction. Seeking the guidance of an attorney is crucial to ensure that your rights are protected and that you follow the appropriate legal procedures in your specific situation.

Work with a Trusted Tri-Cities Civil Protection Order Attorney